This economic poster presents an critical problem within current economic situation. Falling of stock is an important visual representation for the current bubble economy. The falling of stock is illustrated through a red arrow that points downward with a background of a one hundred dollar bill. One pencil is drawing Benjamin Franklin’s mouth to symbolize the uncertainties within current economic. This picture symbolizes that the United States of America is currently facing a enormous economic problems. The pencil that place above the mouth of Benjamin Franklin symbolizes the duty and the power of the world to change and to save the economic problem. It is now depends on the government and people to find a solution to draw out a future that will shape the one hundred bill, the economic, or destroy it. Red stock arrow represents an critical problem within stocks of the world, and the bigger arrow head represents an enlarger problem as stock keep falling down. The image symbols that employs by this kind of economic related image often are arrows and dollar bills since they reflects economic objects such as stock and currency. Color such as red and green reflects status of current economic such as red represent dangerous while green reflects safe. The combination of economic symbols often build the image to a deeper meaning on how these objects interact with each other. The stock arrow and dollar bill background reflect how falling stock greatly impact current currency system. These image adopt such techniques to represent critical issues within economic that the world is facing today.
Another representations for this kind of image is economic/political comic. These types of economics often place current important issues in an extraordinary ways that enforce viewers to accept such problems. Economic comics often employs large pile of money and large stock arrows that falling down or flying away to represent desperate economic situations. However, most comics employ heavy line usages and objects often have less detail than real life picture. Most of them are in white and black instead of the colorful tendencies that economic image above employs.