Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Motion in Graphic Design- Week 10


This is a successful demonstration of Optical Art. Audiences will identify strong waves perception on this flat image. They will feel numerous waves that travels continuously between the left bottom corner of the image to the right top corner of the image. The author employs both the visual illusion and persistence of vision in order to carry out such effect. The visual illusion is used to create a illusion effect because of human perception that enable audiences to see the “imaginary wave movement”. Even though that there are no real wave movement on the image, the carefully arranges of colors and patterns produce the illusion of continuous waves that travel across the image. The designer also arrange colors and patterns to produce a two triangles that points to both the left bottom corner as well as the top right corner to have a directional movement. This result waves to travel continuously straight within these two points.


This is an successful example that demonstrate the movement of energy. Although the woman stands on the flat floor, it seems that she sinks into the whirlpool. The artist employs the thickness of lines to express the energy within the movement. The season that cause the woman to sink into the whirlpool is the thickness of line. The outer lines of the whirlpool are thinner. The inner lines of the whirlpool are much thinker and have smaller distance between each other.  This technique cause the visual illusion within the audiences. The flow of energy creates a movement within the whirlpool that makes it to appear to continue to flowing into the center circle that have unpredictable depth. The energy become larger as lines become busy and complex, The energy is largest at the bottom center since it have the thickset lines out of the entire whirlpool. These techniques enable the artist to produce a visual illusion effect that enables the audiences to visualize the circular movement of the whirlpool within a flat image artwork.

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